财新传媒 财新传媒


Images of the United States: Explaining the Attitudes of Chinese Scholars and Students in the United States

Han Donglin, Chen Dingding, and Fang Changping



How do Chinese scholars and students residing in the United States view the United States? This study tries to answer this question using a unique dataset from the United States. It also seeks to identify thedeterminants of Chinese migrants’ attitudes towards the United States, especially with regard to overseas socialization. On the whole, the results indicate that Chinese scholars and students in the United States have a mostly favourable attitude towards America and remain positive towards China. Their values, overseas experience, and other factors have important influences on their feelings towards the United States. We find that most respondents have a positive attitude towards the United States, as regards both its general national image and diverse images, including political institutions, the economy, and the environment. We also find that this group of Chinese respondents maintains a strong attachment to China and has a conservative attitude towards China’s future growth. Our results suggest that values such as nationalism and ethnocentrism have significant influence on individuals’ feelings towards the United States.



The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 6, 2013, 183–207 doi:10.1093/cjip/pot007
Advance Access publication 24 April 2013






131篇文章 7年前更新

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